Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hello friends,
     This past Sunday we talked about putting on the full armor of God which Paul spoke of in Ephesians 6:10-18. In fact, Paul says, “Put on the full armor of God” twice in just a few verses (11, 13). When it’s repeated it’s important. Paul wants to get our attention as soldiers of Christ in order that we be prepared for spiritual battle.
     The phrase “put on the full armor of God” in the original Greek language is written in a way that means to put it on immediately and leave it on permanently. How do we put on the full armor of God? We pray it on!
     We need to tell God that we want to put on the “belt of truth.” Much like the belt holds our clothing together, God’s truth holds together our faith and trust in Him. The “breastplate of righteous-ness” protects our heart from being misled by the “devils schemes,” just as it protects the vital organs of a soldier in combat. “Feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” Roman soldiers wore shoes to protect their feet especially when running. The “gospel of peace will protect us as we are pre-pared to take the gospel to others. We need to “run” with the gospel because the message is urgent and lifesaving. We also need to “take up the shield of faith” to protect us from Satan’s attacks and he will attack! Finally, we need to “take up the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” The soldier’s helmet protected his head and his sword was the primary weapon for battle. Likewise, we need to “put on the helmet” to protect our minds from the evil one and we need to fight with our primary weapon, the Word of God.
Are you ready for battle?  

Be biblical. Stay faithful,
Greg Edens

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