Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Modern Family?

     I just read an article released by the associated press that has left me scratching my head. The article spoke about the disgust that anti-profanity crusader McKay Hatch experienced once learning that tonight’s episode of Modern Family would have a 2 year old dropping a cuss word on national television. McKay is an 18 year old college student who founded the No Cussing Club in 2007. McKay has complained to ABC and even asked that they not air this particular episode. McKay even went as far as asking his 35,000 members of the No Cussing Club to also complain to ABC. So far, ABC has had no comment.

     Now I am not surprised that ABC has had no comment. They are a huge part the moral decay in our culture, so why should they care. They want to cross the line. After all, isn’t that what brings ratings today? What does surprise me is that the show “Modern Family” promotes the acceptance of same-sex relationships and attacks the “Model Family,” which is God’s design (Genesis 2:4-24), and people are confronting cussing. Yes, cussing is a problem, but homosexuality and the same-sex relationship agenda is winning the culture. It is an attack on the way God designed the family! Where are the people, namely Christians, confronting this issue? What if millions of Christians took a stance against the ABC’s of the world and said “This is not okay?” I am here to tell you, we would not be in the moral dilemma we face today!

We don’t have the right to redesign the family! According to God, the modern family is still the model family!

Bottom line: Stand up for what is right, Jesus did! 

Greg Edens